Don't let pain hold you back from living your best life! I will work with you to heal your body to return to doing the things you love to do. I will customize each session according to your needs and create a results-driven plan. With my treatments, you can expect to experience improved muscle function, decreased recovery time, a reduction or elimination of pain and/or inflammation, and an overall increase in performance. I will take the time to listen to your feedback and adjust each session accordingly. You will enjoy a healthier lifestyle as a result and discover your true potential!
ART® is an advanced soft tissue injury treatment technique that addresses muscular and nerve entrapment issues that can contribute to acute or chronic pain in athletes or any people who have strained or spastic muscles. It uses an active range of motion on the client's part to work deeper into the treated area and allows the client to control the intensity and tension of the treatment. ART® is an excellent method to treat problems like neck pain, rotator cuff problems, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, "mouse problems," psoas tightness, lower back pain, sciatica/piriformis syndrome, hip imbalances, knee problems, ankle injuries, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinosis and tight muscles in general. ART® is performed using hands/ thumbs/ fingers only, without any other tools or equipment. Your therapist will be able to tell you whether ART® is the appropriate treatment for you. ART® may be combined with other soft tissue techniques such as deep tissue or therapeutic massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy for optimal results. ART® is performed with the client lightly clothed, as different body positions may be used for the movement of limbs or torso.
A form of therapy that addresses restrictions and imbalances of the connective tissue in the body and is used to promote wellness, decrease or eliminate pain and restore movement. A highly specialized technique of stretching layers of fascia (connective tissue) as well as muscle tissue. Often it can address problems that remain unresolved by muscle-specific work alone.
May combine ART®, Deep Tissue Massage, MFR, and/or NRT® techniques with stretching and range of motion to enhance joint flexibility, as appropriate for the client. Has been shown to speed up muscle recovery after exercise. My particular style is performed with the client lightly clothed and focuses on specific goals in a session rather than being a "whole body in one hour" type of approach, in order to provide a more detailed investigation of specific soft tissue complaints.
A firm-pressure therapeutic massage technique, customized to the client's preference regarding pressure/sensitivity. Specific areas may be focused on to alleviate pain, muscle spasms, inflammation, scar tissue, or fibrotic areas in the fascia. In my view, "deep" is more about specificity to the tissue being treated and not a measure of more "compression" (pressure) presumably resulting in a better outcome. Too much compression in the wrong tissues can be harmful or miss the target tissue by pinning it down to underlying structures. Therefore, I advise people to discard the "more pain = more gain" mentality when it comes to therapeutic bodywork. If you are cringing, your therapist is using too much pressure and please let them know you need less in that area. My style of work seldom uses lubrication, and clients are lightly clothed.
Neural Reset Therapy® (NRT®) is all about working with the nervous system to cause a resetting of the tonus or tightness of muscles. Due to a long list of aggravating factors, muscles or parts of muscles can be set to a level of tightness that can cause or contribute to restriction of joint movement, trigger point formation, and chronic pain patterns. Rather than working directly on nerves, NRT® works with the way in which information is transmitted between the nervous system and the muscular system. NRT® is completely painless and is purely a manual therapy (no equipment used except a reflex hammer or percussive massage tool, applied lightly on healthy individuals). Although this therapy is extremely gentle, its effects are often profound, and it works extremely well in conjunction with other soft tissue work.